We left my Kalamaja apartment yard in Tallinn at 6.40ish on Sunday morning and headed to the port, where we had to wait in the car line for quite some time (while enjoying the multiple different shades of the morning sky above the sea and listening Mammu's lovely voice while she was performing her Sad Serenade to the Evil Cat Carrier). The ferryboat trip took 2.5 hours, and during that time Mammu and Robert were safely in the van on the car deck. The felines survived the trip nicely and we had to conclude that they are a couple of brave cats. Later when we were driving towards the home in town Robert sat peacefully in his carrier bag on my lap and was quite content with the situation. Maybe the fact that I could scratch him from behind his ears from the bag opening had something to do with it as well. Meanwhile, Mammu carried on with several sequels to her sad serenade in the back of the car.
The rest of the days so far have been filled with cleaning the boxes and putting everything in their place. The home looks a lot more like home already.
Kitties have a new scratchy tree, which has become surprisingly popular. It has three floors, a little house with a round opening and a little pipe that one can climb through. Robert prefers the top floor of the tree (he's the man!) and Mammu the middle floor. Quite often they are both sleeping there at the same time, one on the top and one in the middle.
I am anxiously waiting for the weekend to be able to go outside to the town, maybe even biking or to some museum. Kiasma contemporary art museum is located only a few blocks from our home and it is embarrassing to admit that I have never been there.

Lahkusime sadama suunas minu Kalamaja korteriõuest Tallinnas pühapäeva hommikul 6.40 paiku. Ootasime mõnda aega autojärjekorras (nautides samal ajal erinevaid hommikutaevatoone mere kohal ning kuulates Mammu meeldivat häälekest esitamas oma Kurba Serenaadi Kurjale Kassitranspordikastile). Praamisõit kestis umbkaudu 2.5 tundi ja selle aja veetsid Mammu ja Robert turvaliselt kaubikus autotekil. Kaslased elasid reisi kenasti üle ning me järeldasime, et tegemist on vaprate kiisudega. Hiljem, kui sõitsime uue kodu poole, oli Robert oma kassikotis minu süles ning paistis olukorraga üsna rahul olevat. Ehk aitas sellele kaasa see, et sain teda läbi kassikoti avause kõrva tagant sügada. Samal ajal jätkas Mammu auto tagaosas oma kurbade serenaadide laulmist.
Edasised päevad tänaseni on möödunud peamiselt kolimiskaste tühjendades ja asju korrastades. Kodu näeb juba märkimisväärselt rohkem kodu moodi välja.
Kiisudel on uus kratsimispuu, mis on osutunud üllatavalt populaarseks. Puul on kolm korrust, väike maja ümara avausega ning pisike toru läbipugemiseks. Robert eelistab kõige ülemist korrust (tema on ju mees!) ning Mammu keskmist. Üsna tihti kasutavad mõlemad puud magamiseks, Robert tudimas ülemisel korrusel ning Mammu keskel.
Ootan kannatamatult nädalavahetust, et minna välja ja linna peale, võibolla isegi jalgrattaga sõitma või mõnda muuseumisse. Kiasma nüüdiskunsti muuseum asub meie kodust vaid mõne kvartali kaugusel, ja pean häbiga tunnistama, et ma ei ole seal kunagi käinud.

Lol the name plate looks liek a scrabble board =P
ReplyDeleteJep, that's basically what it is. :)