Sigh, I feel like a bad mum who has forgotten about her baby (the blog) for a while.
Nothing astonishingly remarkable has happened. Just normal autumn life with different devourable foods, drinks, movies, series, shopping, walks in the dark city. And endless source of free entertainment at home called "The Robert & Mammu Show".
Here's Mammu again in the kitchen :p Got a bit closer shot this time. I have no idea why she likes to be in such a peculiar position, but when there are such chairs, she does it (already in my other flats she acted the same). Robert doesn't have that kind of funny signature poses, but he has started acting a bit weird in here, making funny sounds. Robert cannot really meaow like a normal cat, instead he either opens and closes his mouth with no sound coming out, or does some high-pitched "päu-päu" sounds (not very characteristic to cats). But now, when in play mode (that means running around, stalking, "hunting" different objects) he makes those very strange throat noises ("krrrr-prrr-krrr krh krrrh"), so we started calling him "exotic animal", as those noises are probably more suitable for the jungle environment.
Jan-Erik ordered a bunch of fancy cat food from Germany. Stuff with chicken, shrimps, tuna, in jelly and in non-jelly, jeez. The cats are already so spoiled :p If i was to try to feed them the food they used to eat in Tallinn, I'd probably see some middle fingers. But it's nice of him to do it. Usually cats get to start eating before we can :)
On Sunday we went to the movies. I would not do that in Helsinki unless I had free tickets :p The movie theatre ticket price difference between Tallinn and Helsinki, roughly (the movie theatres belong to the same international chain):
Tallinn: 4 € (weekday), 5.50 € (weekend), 4.70 € and 7 € respectively for 3D.
Helsinki: 10 € (weekday), 12 € (weekend), 12 € and 14 € respectively for 3D.
So yea. We went to see "Drive" with Ryan Gosling (who made a memorable role in "Lars and the Real Girl") and Bryan "The Heizenberg" Cranston. Good film, good music, good atmosphere, good wibe, only the plot was lacking a bit. Not good enough to give out 12 € for it though, come to think of it. I think that proportionally, that cheesecake we had earlier that afternoon in Pizza Hut was better than the movie. (It was a VERY VERY good cheesecake. Nom.)
Nonii, nüüd ma tunnen ennast nagu ema, kes oma lapse (blogi) on unarusse jätnud.
Mitte midagi vapustavalt märkimisväärset ei ole toimunud. Tavaline sügisene vaikelu täis erinevaid maitsvaid toite, jooke, filme, seriaale, ostlemist, jalutuskäike pimedas linnas. Ning lõputult tasuta kodust meelelahutust nimega „Roberti & Mammu show“.
Esimesel pildil on jälle Mammu köögis :p Sain seekord pisut lähemalt pildistada. Mul ei ole õrna aimugi, miks talle selline veider asend imponeerib, aga kui läheduses on taolisi toole, siis pole sellest pääsu (juba eelmistes korterites käitus ta samamoodi). Robertil ei ole selliseid naljakaid signatuurpoose, kuid ta on hakanud siin veidralt käituma küll, nimelt tegema veidraid häälitsusi. Robert ei oska korralikult mäuguda nagu normaalsed kassid; selle asemel ta avab ja sulgeb suud nagu kala kuival ilma, et mingit häält kuulda oleks, või siis saab hakkama mingi kileda „päu-päuga“ (mitte eriti kassipärane). Aga nüüd, mänguhoos (st siis jooksmist, varitsemist, erinevate asjade „küttimist“) teeb ta mingeid kummalisi kurguhäälitsusi („krrr-prr-krr krh krrrh“), nii et me hakkasime teda kutsuma „eksootiliseks loomaks“, kuna need hääled sobituksid paremini džunglikeskkonda.
Teisel pildil on hunnik kassitoitu, mille Jan-Erik Saksamaalt tellis. Kraam täis kana, krevette, tuunikala, želees ja mitte-želees, appike. Kassid on juba nii ära hellitatud :p Kui ma prooviksin neile sisse sööta seda toitu, mida nad tavaliselt Tallinnas sõid, siis ma ilmselt näeksin nende poolt vaid keskmiseid sõrmi. Aga see on kena, et Jan-Erik nendega tegeleb. Tavaliselt saavad Mammu ja Robert oma söögi enne kätte, kui meieise :)
Pühapäev oli kinopäev. Ma muidugi Helsingis muidu kinno ei läheks, kui just ei ole tasuta piletid kusagilt saadud :p Kinoseansside hindade erinevus Tallinnas ja Helsingis, laias laastus ja umbkaudu (tegemist on sama keti kinodega):
Tallinn: 4 € (E-R), 5.50 € (nädalavahetus), 4.70 € ja 7 € vastavalt 3D.
Helsingi: 10 € (E-R), 12 € (nädalavahetus), 12 € ja 14 € vastavalt 3D.
Niiet, jah. Käisime vaatamas filmi „Ohtlik sõit“ Ryan Goslinguga (kes tegi meeldejääva rolli filmis „Lars and the Real Girl“) ning Bryan „Heizenberg“ Cranston. Hea film, hea muusika, hea atmosfäär, hea wibe – ainult süžee oli nõrgavõitu. Mitte piisavalt hea, et välja käia 12 € siiski, kui mõtlema hakata. Ma arvan, et proportsionaalselt, see juustukook mida sõime varem selsamal pärastlõunal Pizza Hutis, oli parem kui film. (See oli VÄGA VÄGA hea juustukook. Nom.)
Slight correction: Before 5 pm on weekdays the tickets are actually "only" €6.80. Still so expensive compared to Tallinn. :P
ReplyDeleteYea, if to start nitpicking, then in Tallinn also prices differ a bit (by 50 cents) when you go before 6 pm or after 6 pm (from Monday to Thursday, Friday counts as weekend). But yes... I don't know how many people could, and would want, to go to movies before 5 pm. Not the ones who work from 9 to 5, at least. :)
ReplyDeleteStudents go to the movies before 5 pm. I remember going to see some Jet-Li film in a multiplex cinema at noon when I was at uni (many years ago). There were two of us in the hall that normally accommodates 150. Was great, peace and quiet, no stupid chatting or popcorn chomping people. :p
ReplyDeleteYes, I remember some early hour movie theatre visits as well from when I was younger. (Also many years ago :p) Now I can't go to the movies in the morning anymore, so the only alternative, really, is to go late evening, that helps to avoid the popcorn chomping and (sometimes incomprehensible) teenage sense of humour at least somewhat.