Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 5

Not a very successful day. In the morning, I managed to sprain my neck. Now this is one of the most annoying things imaginable... and it happens to me from time to time. It results in the most uncomfortable feeling that you have difficulty holding your head up properly. It sometimes also includes nausea, loss of appetite, head ache - of course, and general feeling of utter crappiness and depression. So most of the afternoon/evening I just lied down, napping, reading, complaining to Jan :p, etc.

Food intake was chaotic as well (but still no meat).


Cold latte and two oranges.


Skipped - no appetite, and no-one at home (yet :p) to bring food to bed :p


Pizza - I chose my own ingredients, which were shrimps (yea, wasn't ready for hardcore veggie pizza just yet...), onions, mushrooms and asparagus. It was tasty, but I couln't eat much. And a glass of Crowmoor. And a salmiakki ice cream.

Luckily the travel books from Estonia arrived yesterday, so I could dig into them. Now that I live in Finland, I have started reading more books in Estonian... Back in Estonia, I used to prefer English.

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