Oh, what a happy moment it was when I discovered a whole refrigerator full of Estonian smoothies and vegetable/fruit juices (made in Kadarbiku farm) from a grocery store in Kamppi the other day! And prices don't even take your breath away :p
Great success of the day: I managed to make a purchase in a post office speaking only Finnish. Not that it's a very difficult thing to do, but people tend to be afraid to speak a language they don't think they don't know that well. It's so easy to push J. to the counter when something needs to be asked :p And a lot easier to just start conversation in English, when you know you are good at it and everyone will understand what you say. Unfortunately it's also death of any new language skills one is trying to pick up. I will try to speak more Finnish.
This is Mammu in our kitchen. That's one of her signature poses :p Maybe she imagines she is in a cat bar ordering a drink, or a fish soup.
Our homestreet/kotikadu:
Milline õnnelik hetk see oli, mil ma avastasin terve külmikutäie eestimaiseid smuutisid ja aedvilja- ning puuviljamahlu (Kadarbiku talust) Kamppis asuvast toidupoest! Ja hinnad polegi nii kõrged, et hing kinni jääks :p
Plusspoolele: mul õnnestus sooritada postkontoris soomekeelne ost. Mitte, et see midagi eriliselt keerukat oleks, kuid inimesed kipuvad kartma keelt, milles nad endi arvates väga osavad ei ole. On ju nii lihtne lükata J. leti äärde, kui midagi on vaja küsida :p Ning väga lihtne on alustada vestlust inglise keeles, teades, et oskad seda hästi ning kõik saavad aru, mida sa öelda üritad. Kahjuks on see ühtlasi surm uue keele õppele. Ma üritan rohkem soome keelt rääkida.
Teisel pildil on Mammu meie köögis, oma signatuur-asendis (ma ei oska seda sõna eesti keelde tõlkida). Võibolla ta kujutab ette, et on kusagil kassipubis, tellimas jooki, või siis kalasuppi.
Kolmandal pildil on meie kodutänava nimi.
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