In this blog I shall be rambling about my life in the capital of Finland. I think it will be interesting to observe the differences between the two towns, Helsinki and Tallinn. Although the towns are very close, distance-wise (80 km over the sea) and culturally (Estonian and Finnish sound practically the same), I have a feeling there will be plenty for me to wonder about.
It is Friday evening and we will be moving very early (too early!) morning on Sunday. The van has been rented, ferryboat tickets have been booked and bought. Mammu and Robert have been chipped, vaccinated and fed with evil-tasting worm medicine. They also have fancy EU pet passports, which is ironic, because even I don't have a passport.
There are still some annoying little errands to take care of. Inevitably associated with the moving process. Like ending your Internet contract and handing over the old place. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.
Selles blogis kavatsen ma rääkida oma elust Soome pealinnas. Ma usun, et saab olema huvitav jälgida erinevusi kahe linna, Helsingi ja Tallinna, vahel. Kuigi need kaks linna on väga lähedased, nii distantsilt (80 km üle mere) kui kultuuriliselt (eesti ja soome keel kõlavad väga sarnaselt), arvan ma, et leidub asju, mis võivad üllatada.
On reede õhtu ja me kolime pühapäeva varahommikul (liiga vara hommikul!). Kaubik on renditud, praamipiletid registreeritud ja välja ostetud. Mammu ja Robert on kiibitud, vaktsineeritud ning saanud vastiku maitsega ussirohu. Ühtlasi on neil uhked ELi loomapassid, mis on natuke irooniline, kuna isegi minul ei ole passi.
On veel mõned pisiasjad, mille eest hoolt kanda. Need, mis on paratamatult seotud kolimisprotsessiga. Näiteks, Interneti-lepingu lõpetamine ja vana korteri üleandmine, ja. Loodetavasti läheb kõik hästi.
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