On Saturday, my parents visited our new flat. Some family members (furrier sorts) had to spend the afternoon under the bed, because omg! it's so scary when someone comes over! The result of the visit is a lot of tasty stuffs from Estonia (smoked cheese!, cheese curds!, sour cream!, candy!, chocolate!, lots of beer :D), and a bunch of good emotions.
(The following is not meant for the eyes of vegetarians!)
Jan-Erik cooked us the kind of Finnish-y food - reindeer meat with mashed potatoes and cranberry jam. Reindeer meat tastes a bit unusual, but not bad, and it is not the kind of heavy meat you'd expect (like moose or some wild animals).
(Ok vegetarians can look again.)
Before sending off my parents to the ferryboat we went to see the tourist attraction a couple of hundred metres from our flat called Temppeliaukio Church (Temppeliaukion kirkko) - a very unique looking building that is cut into the rock mass. It doesn't look like a church from outside, in fact, it doesn't look like a building at all - it's more like a giant egg buried into the ground (from a certain angle at least).
On Sunday was held the last day of Linnanmäki amusement park light carnival. It was funny being in the amusement park in the evening, when it was dark outside. After some calculations it was concluded that the last time I was in an amusement park was 10+ years ago. Probably 20ish years. After that I have been on kind of a Ferris wheel-like of a wheel in some god-forsaken place in the middle of complete wasteland in Latvia (it might have been Sigulda... not that sure anymore); it was some smaller sort of wheel, which was awfully corroded and looked like it was about to collapse any minute. To that day I have no idea what force made me climb onto that thing; it didn't have any safety barrier or anything. Being up in the air made me think of death (or at least lots of severe injuries) more than once, and after that experience I became generally fearful of all kinds of high and possibly unsafe attractions.
Naturally, there were no corroded and collapsing Ferris wheels in Linnanmäki amusement park, but the fear was still there. The very first thing we went on - surprisingly the huge big Ferris wheel (called Rinkeli) that had awesome view over the Helsinki - wasn't that scary. I simply hugged that metal pipe in the middle the whole ride and prayed for allmighties and everyone to spare me, but I didn't close eyes and was generally in quite okay shape once we made it back down.
After the next thing - Ketjukaruselli (chain carousel? click here) was a lot scarier. I sincirely believed that the chains will break and I will fly off to somewhere and have a horrible ending to myself.
As if that wasn't already enough, I let myself be lured to Mustekala, a giant Octopus-ride, where you were thrown to this side and that side and also up and down in great speed. At some point I had to close my eyes to maintain that little of the sanity I had left for that moment. Coming off from that one I solemnly promised never again! until...
"Oooooh you have to try the Rollercoaster!" said the little devil with Jan-Erik's voice on my right shoulder. I am not exaggerating when I say that my legs were literally shaking already when standing in the line (I saw that thing! it was huge and made horrible noice) and when inside the wagon, had to keep eyes closed 90% of the time. Truth be told, though, that 10% of the time I had them open, the view and everything from up there was absolutely breathtaking.
After that I had quite had enough of all the life-threatening stuff and insisted on a more peaceful kind of a ride called Coffee-Cup ride (Kahvikuppikaruselli). It was nice - on the ground, still quite speedy - perfect entertainment for children, elderly people and me. We also went on Ghost Train (Kummitusjuna - not very scary but still fun), a peaceful train on the air, which didn't make any sudden moves and rode through the amusement park (Maisemajuna), a funny track course that wasn't scary but maybe a bit more physically and mentally demanding (Vekkula), and a small indoors-rollercoaster Linnunrata (which could have been real scary but not if you have been on the big rollercoaster beforehand :p). Jan-Erik also went on a totally suicidal Kieppi, something that tosses you left, right, up, down, back, forth, and all that in great speed and with steep changes of direction - I was determined to not test parting with my dinner on that one, so I said firm "no".
Scary stuff.
And something less scary, some photos from the weekend:
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