Belated day 7.
For brunch Jan made me mannapuuro (with jam). I had big plans for dinner (bruchettas and cauliflower-broccoli... some kind of oven thing), but after we had been outside (with minus 20 something degrees) for more than a hour, and a Hesburger fast food diner jumped out of nowhere, we took the easy way out. So I had a fish burger. In the late evening we watched Presidential elections' programme on TV and ate Runeberg's torte cakes (because it was also Runeberg's Day).
So in conclusion, during the week I did not slip regarding the goal I established (which was to avoid meat but didn't include fish and seafood). If I remember correctly, I ate fish three times during the week, and shrimps once on pizza. I didn't suffer from any specific health problems, nor did I feel considerably better than before physically. I did have some strange belly aches some evenings, but there is no telling if it was because of food or some other reason. Mentally, I felt good knowing that I have some amount of self-discipline, and I felt good making nice foods and cooking in general.
I will return to some form of meatless diet when it gets warmer around here.
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